The Serpentine Coffee House
Posted on: 03/03/2020, 15:07
The Serpentine Coffee House has been designed by Mizzi Studio and is located near the Serpentine galleries and has stunning views of the Serpentine Lake and Princess Diana Memorial Fountain.
The roof has been designed to imitate a stingray, the house takes it’s form from a Japanese tea house and a Serpentine lake.
The coffee house was painted by ES Marine International in a full Awlgrip system. ES Marine used Awlgrip Quick Build Surfacer in black to prime the surface, followed by Awlcraft SE in gold with black effect. The client wanted a metal patina effect so Awlgrip HDT clear was also used for its superior UV stability.
Marineware are the UK distributors for Awlgrip products. If you require more information on the Awlgrip range, contact us on either or 02380 624 555
Photography: Luke Hayes
Credit : Mizzi Studio & ES Marine International
Engineers: Arup
Manufacturer: MouldCAM
The roof has been designed to imitate a stingray, the house takes it’s form from a Japanese tea house and a Serpentine lake.
The coffee house was painted by ES Marine International in a full Awlgrip system. ES Marine used Awlgrip Quick Build Surfacer in black to prime the surface, followed by Awlcraft SE in gold with black effect. The client wanted a metal patina effect so Awlgrip HDT clear was also used for its superior UV stability.
Marineware are the UK distributors for Awlgrip products. If you require more information on the Awlgrip range, contact us on either or 02380 624 555
Photography: Luke Hayes
Credit : Mizzi Studio & ES Marine International
Engineers: Arup
Manufacturer: MouldCAM

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